

Benzie County Community Chest funds only 501(c)(3) organizations that provide services to meet the human services needs of Benzie County residents. We cannot fund agencies that don’t have Federal IRS tax-exempt 501(c)(3) status. We only fund programs that directly serve Benzie County residents.

Applications for funding support are accepted until Dec. 31 of each year, without exception. The Benzie County Community Chest Board of Directors make funding decisions in January.


Include with your application:

Part I: GRANT REQUEST EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – Strictly limited to 250 words

Succinctly explain:
1. In general, why is your organization requesting this grant, i.e. what are your goals and objectives?
2. How will you spend the funds if the grant is made?
3. What outcomes do you hope to achieve?

Part II: GRANT REQUEST NARRATIVE – Strictly limited to 500 words

1. What are the needs/problems your program aims to address?
2. Describe the target population and how they will benefit?
3. Address specifically, how will the grant benefit Benzie County and approximately how many Benzie County residents will benefit from your program?
4. How do you plan to accomplish the goals and objectives of the program effectively and in a timely fashion?
5. Are other organizations involved with the project and what are their roles?
6. Is this a new or existing project?
7. Is this a finite project or is the project ongoing? If ongoing, what are your long-term funding strategies for this project?



Part III: EVALUATION – Strictly limited to 250 words

How do you plan to evaluate, then ultimately determine the level of success of your program? What are some of the key data?


1. What is the total budget and line item breakdown for this program?
2. Please provide your organization’s Statement of Financial Activities and Statement of Position.

Part V: ORGANIZATION – Strictly limited to 250 words

If this is your first time applying for a grant from the Community Chest, please provide a brief summary of organization’s history, mission and goals as well as a description of current programs, activities, and accomplishments.

Each year the Benzie County Community Chest Board of Directors selects partner agencies for funding in January, therefore the deadline for applications is Dec. 31.

Mail completed applications to:
Benzie County Community Chest
PO Box 713
Beulah, MI, 49617

If you’d prefer to submit your application via email, please send it to IMPORTANT: We will acknowledge receipt of your application. If you do not receive an acknowledgment Contact Us.